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With An Irregular Grain That’ll Give Any Room A Warm Feeling, Sapele Beds Are Lovingly Handcrafted Using Techniques Passed Down Through The Generations.
Up To 30% Off
All our beds are available in any color, in any Size and all fully customizable.
Our rich sapele bed frames are made with solid sapele and are the epitome of indulgence. This deep red color makes any bed frame look extravagant and it is perfect for making your bedroom feel like the luxury space that it deserves to be.
From our twin size beds, to our popular queen size, all the way up to our grandest bed, the super emperor size bed, you don’t have to worry; solid sapele is a material option for all of our wooden bed frames, whichever size or style calls out to you.
Sapele is also an option for all styles of bed, but we particularly like our range of four poster canopy beds in this elegant finish. With such a combination of style and color, these beds are sure to be the center of attention in your bedroom.
All of our sapele bed frames are made from solid wood, using trusted handcrafting techniques and high quality materials that allow us to provide an 11-year guarantee on every bed. You can always rest easy knowing that your bed is perfect for you, thanks to our made to measure service that allows you to make any personal tweaks to your bespoke bedframe.
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