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Our Unrivaled 11 Year Guarantee

Years of innovation and refinement have perfected our product designs so they last for generations.

Our Warranty Promise

We offer an outstanding guarantee on our products.

We stand behind the quality of our products and service. Our experienced craftsmanship, eye for design and use of the finest timber materials define our products. It's this level of attention to detail and 19 production stages that ensure each bed is handmade to perfection. We're confident in our designs. So we stand behind every product with our industry leading 11 year guarantee.

Uncompromised Quality

Our ethos is to handcraft each timeless bed with an obsessive amount of detail at a cost that is accessible to all.

Our Guarantee Explained

A Bed You Can Depend On

A Bed You Can Depend On
A bed that lasts a lifetime is an integral component of the Get Laid Beds ethos. It’s why we’re here. We’ve kept to this core value from the beginning with the original design we developed years ago to the present. Since then and now, we’ve continued to offer our 11 year guarantee as standard since the first bed sold. We value the things that last and that we can depend on. When we spend a 3rd of our lives asleep, it’s important to have a solid bed you can trust.

What’s Covered

Transparent Terms & Conditions

Our beds are expertly handcrafted with 100% solid wood, and for your peace of mind we guarantee every component of our bed frame. From the headboard to the solid slats, you can expect the same 11 year warranty coverage on any bed we sell.

Perfect Craftsmanship

Our innovative production process involve a hands on approach by skilled craftsmen using select premium materials to make a product that is both impressive and dependable.

British Expertise

Beds That Are Skillfully Handmade With Precision

Handcrafting a bed that fit your style, lasts for generations and delivered to you in days is no small feat. We're the leading bedmaker to offer this. Harnessing our expertise, we've developed an efficient production process with precision and detail. It's our unique manufacturing approach and passion for quality that has enabled us to offer handmade beds that's personal to you. At a cost that is accessible to all.

Expertly Designed

No Detail Too Small

We’re obsessive about detail. From the stylish design to the incredibly practical. We never compromise quality. It’s why we use the toughest carpentry joining, the tenon and mortise joint, in all our bed frames. The foundation is supported with plentiful slats that cover 70% of the base and are 2x thicker than the industry average. It makes a difference. And every component is made with 100% solid wood for superior structural strength and appearance. Discover more about our slats on our dedicated page.

Strong & Durable

Our wood beds are crafted with mortise and tenon joints, meaning they are extra strong and can stand the test of time. Combined with our solid slats, which are twice as thick and wide compared to sprung slats, our reinforced beds are designed to last a long time.

Finest Materials

We ethically source our select materials for the highest standard of quality, so you can expect your bed to be made from nothing less than 100% solid wood throughout.

100% Solid Wood

Sustainable Quality

Our craftsmen select the best pieces of 100% solid wood for our beds. With a trained eye, we work with the best cuts for exceptional quality. We’re an ethical retailer. And we source our Solid Scandinavian timber from sustainable forests that are FSC and PEFC approved. We work with The International Tree Foundation to plant many more trees that we consume for our goal of becoming carbon neutral. Read more on our Tree Planting Project page.

Satin Stain Finishes

Recognised Quality Of Water-Based Finishes

Our finishes are a fundamental component to the design of our beds. We use select finishes that have a proven safety record and are resilient to the test of time for an ageless coat. Every consideration taken. These finishes are stain resistant and the innovative blend allows air to move through the paint to stop any trapping of water. This Increases the longevity of the finish by blocking decay for a timeless bed that will keep its stunning appearance.